
  • 一般的情态动词都没有时态的概念,但少数有,如be able to,have to。在没有时态的情态动词中,如果想要表达出时态的含义,可以加上不同的时间状语,用以区分不同时态。

  • 有时态的情态动词,改变的是情态动词`,不是动词,后面依然跟的是动词原型


can 能,会    could(can的过去式)  may 可以         might(may的过去式)
should 应该   must 必须          have to 不得不    dare 敢
needn't 不必  had better 最好    ought to=should   be able to=can


主语 + 情态动词 + 动词原型 + 宾语


I can speak English  我能说英语(一般现在时态语境)
I could speak English 我能说英语(一般过去时态语境)

主语 + 情态动词 + be + 表语

You have to be patient  你必须得有耐心
I can be a good teacher 我会成为一个好老师




I can speak English  --> Can you speak English?



can -> can't   could -> couldn't  ought to -> ought not to
have to -> don't have to/doesn't have to/didn't have to  
should -> shouldn't  must -> mustn't  need -> needn't  dare -> daren't
be able to -> aren't able to/wasn't able to/didn't able to/won't able to




  1. 表示能力

     I can speak English
     I could speak English ten years ago
     Can you write a composition in English?
  2. 表示可能性

     Can you help me?
     I can call you tomorrow. 我明天可以打电话给你
  3. 可能


     That can't be Marry. She is in hospital.  那不可能是Marry,她现在在住院
     Can he receive my email?
  4. 允许做某事

     You can park here  你可以将车停在这儿



Could you tell me how to goet the staticion? 可以告诉我怎样去车站吗?



  1. 提出问题,征求别人的同意

    只能用在一般疑问句中,而且主语基本上为I,因为其他主语时,一般用can/could you...

     May I use your phone?
     May I come in?
  2. 用于陈述句,表示允许做某事

     You may sleep here.
  3. 表示猜测,可能。

    • 一般现在时态

        Jack may know his secret.  杰克可能知道他的秘密
    • may + have to 用于现在完成时态

    • may + be + 动词现在分词 用于一般现在进行时态

        They may be waiting at the station.  他们也许在车站等着
  4. 祝愿,希望

    • May + 主语 + be + 表语

        May you be happy!      祝你开心
        May God be with you!  愿上帝与你同在
    • May + 主语 + 动词原型 + 宾语

        May you have a good time 祝你玩得开心


  1. 肯定句中,表一定,必须.可以用在一般现在时态/一般将来时态/现在进行时态

     I must learn English
  2. 否定句中,表一定不能做某事,禁止做某事

     You mustn't take pictures here.  这里禁止拍照
  3. 表猜想,推测。

    • 主语 + must + be + 表语的句型结构中

      You must be hungry. 你一定饿了

    • 主语 + must + have + 过去分词 + 宾语


        She must have been to America 她肯定去过美国了
        She must have eaten dinner    她肯定吃过晚饭了

have to

  • 肯定句中翻译不得不,must表主观的不得不,have to客观的不得不(违反后果很严重)。否定句中,则翻译成不必

  • 不同时态与主语,have to要转变

  1. 一般现在时态

    主语为第三人称单数时,变为has to。其他为have to

    • 主语 + have to/has to + 动词原型 + 宾语

      I have to go to work on time. 我不得不按时上班
      She has to go to work on time. 她不得不按时上班
      He has to take pills  他不得不吃药
    • 主语 + have to/ has to + be + 表语

    • 否定句

      • 主语为第三人称单数: 主语后面加doesn't have to

      • 主语为非第三人称单数: 主语后面加dont't have to

  2. 一般过去时态

    • 主语 + have had to + 动词原型 + 宾语

        You had be careful yesterday
    • 主语 + had to + be + 表语

    • 否定句

      统一在主语后面加didn't have to

  3. 一般将来时态

    • 主语 + will + have to + 动词原型 + 宾语

      We will have to take the bus tomorrow 我们明天不得不坐公交车

    • 主语 + will + have to + be + 表语

    • 否定句

      统一在主语后面加willn't have to

        We willn't have to take the bus tomorrow 我们明天不必坐公交车
  4. 其他

    • have to没有一般现在完成时态与一般现在进行时态

    • have got to == have to == 've got to == 've gotta

        I've gotta go now  == I have to go now

ought to

只有肯定句与否定句,否定句中。not放中间,变成ought not to.没有人称变化与时态变化

We ought to get up early
We ought not to get up early tomorrow
We ought to be careful
  • ought to + have + 动词的过去分词 表虚拟语气



We should help the poor people.
Should we help the old man?

